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5 min read

Make Volunteering a Habit

By Erin Halley on January 30, 2020

5 min read

The Time Is Now To Do Good For Others… And Yourself

By Laura Plato on January 24, 2020

3 min read

Does Volunteering Help You Live Longer?

By Erin Halley on January 24, 2020

5 min read

Go Beyond Your Organization to Strengthen Your Communities

By Erin Halley on January 22, 2020

3 min read

How collaborative innovation can spark a volunteer movement

By Laura Plato on January 22, 2020

3 min read

MLK Day: One Day Can Inspire a Life of Service

By Laura Plato on January 20, 2020

6 min read

Stop Dictating How Your Employees Volunteer

By Tess Srebro on January 16, 2020

What if I told you that I know the reason a full 33% of your employees don’t participate in your giving and volunteering program?

You’d act quickly to remedy that barrier right?

Well, thanks to America’s Charities Snapshot 2017 Report, we do know the reason. And for many companies, it’s not that hard to remedy.

According to the report, 1/3 of employees won’t give through their workplace because they’re not able to choose the causes that matter to them.

The report elaborates further:

Topics: csr corporate volunteering
4 min read

How to Boost Engagement and Build a Recipe for Volunteer Success

By Guest Contributor on November 22, 2019

2020 is around the corner and you might be asking yourself several questions, like, “What CSR activities can we participate in?” “How can I engage our employees next year?” and “How can my company help the community?”

Topics: volunteer engagement inspiration
5 min read

Struggling with Employee Engagement? How Corporate Volunteerism Can Help

By Sonia Nzongo on November 20, 2019

Consistently engaging your employees can be tough so if you’re struggling to get your team focused and prioritized, you’re not alone. It’s actually an issue all across the country. 2018 Gallup statistics reveal only 34% of American workers felt engaged in their work, with 53% feeling no connection to their work or workplace. And with the changing workforce landscape, it’s becoming increasingly clear that new tactics are needed to ensure employees are productive, and subsequently care about their output. 

Topics: csr
7 min read

5 Ways To Help Communities Affected By Hurricanes (And Other Natural Disasters)

By Elysia Gabe on September 3, 2019

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Updated Sept. 03, 2019 for relevancy.

These past years’ hurricane seasons have been extraordinarily active and destructive across parts of the U.S. If you’ve followed coverage of Hurricane Florence and of Hurricane Michael, you’re well aware of the dangers they’ve brought, including life-threatening storm surges, catastrophic flooding and historic rainfall. We are now following coverage of Hurricane Dorian, which has reportedly caused devastating damage in the Bahamas, Florida and the Carolinas’ coasts.

Topics: disaster relief