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4 min read

Senior Prom celebrates life, love, and legacies of resistance for LGBTQ+ retirees

By Guest Contributor on October 4, 2022

Guest Post by Luisa Conlon, Director of Senior Prom

As we celebrate National LGBTQ+ History Month this October, we can work together to raise up the experiences and voices of our LGBTQ+ elders, and learn about the sacrifices so many of them made to get us here.

Topics: social justice inspiration advocacy Films
6 min read

11 Ways to Support More Diverse Communities and Workplaces

By Erin Halley on September 30, 2022

Published 10/6/21 and updated on 9/30/22

Each of us has the power to create more compassionate and inclusive communities in different aspects of our lives whether at home, school, work, or in our neighborhood. October provides a variety of opportunities to celebrate diversity, learn more about each other, and strengthen our communities by giving back. Explore 12 ways you can do just that!

Topics: virtual volunteering inspiration advocacy local volunteering
3 min read

Planting the Seeds for Change during National Adult Education Week

By Darcy Hughes on September 22, 2022

This week is National Adult Education and Family Literacy Week and we want to show some #LocalLove to Literacy Minnesota, the only statewide, volunteer literacy organization in Minnesota. 

Sophie Phan, Volunteer Outreach Coordinator and volunteer for Literacy Minnesota, believes in English literacy as a powerful means to broaden educational and economic opportunities for immigrants and refugees in the United States. Sophie immigrated from Vietnam to Minnesota when she was five years old, grew up as a voracious reader, and believes in the power of stories to motivate and inspire.

Topics: inspiration Interview
4 min read

Volunteer Managers—Are you quietly going about your day, solving problems, and being awesome?

By Jennifer Bennett on September 22, 2022

The September issue of the Chronicle of Philanthropy highlighted some current challenges in volunteer engagement with two in-depth articles. In the article “Why and How Charities Should Revive a Declining but Vital Resource ... Volunteers” reporter Ben Gose interviewed me, along with many others working with and leading volunteers, to bring some perspective and insight into what’s changed and what’s stayed the same since the pandemic. He asked insightful questions and did a great job framing up the story. I want to share a little more on our discussion, where we are as a field and a profession, and some things to consider moving forward.

Topics: nonprofit resources volunteer engagement
3 min read

Two Data Points Should Give You Hope

By Jude O'Reilley on September 6, 2022

In a world where we are seemingly endlessly bombarded with painful news, it’s easy to imagine that the pandemics of our time would have all of us curled up in a ball on the couch. It’s not an unreasonable reaction to a steady onslaught of tough news. It’s also not true.

Topics: virtual volunteering social justice Jude O'Reilley
3 min read

Senior Dogs Snuggle Up For International Dog Day

By Darcy Hughes on August 25, 2022

For this International Dog Day (August 26th) we want to spotlight Lily’s Legacy Senior Dog Sanctuary, a nonprofit dedicated to the mighty task of rescuing, caring for, and rehoming large breed senior dogs. Of the dogs who come to Lily’s, 80% are from shelters and, more often than not, have suffered neglect. The organization does thorough evaluations and treatments to get them adoption ready. 

Topics: inspiration local volunteering Stories from the Field
4 min read

“Feeding others feeds my soul” Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes

By Darcy Hughes on July 8, 2022

An interview with Rozene Pieri Enloe, a Community and Volunteer Outreach Coordinator with Pajaro Valley Loaves and Fishes— a community-based organization dedicated to alleviating hunger in Santa Cruz County, California.

  • 40% of those served by Loaves and Fishes are children
  • Homelessness in Santa Cruz County is 5x the national average
  • With only four full-time staff members, the nonprofit relies on volunteers
Topics: Stories from the Field
1 min read

The Road To Good

By Darcy Hughes on July 1, 2022

Compassion fatigue. We all know what it is, even if you haven’t heard the term before. The 24-hour news cycle brings, seemingly every day, previously unfathomable stories of devastation and destruction. Our hearts and minds were not made for it. The natural impulse to care can become exhausting.

Topics: inspiration
8 min read

How to Volunteer: 5 Simple Steps to Finding Meaning & Making a Difference

By Elysia Gabe on May 31, 2022

Volunteering might evoke images of soup kitchens, beach cleanups and fundraising galas. But the truth is, there are a whole lot more ways to volunteer! So many, in fact, that it can feel overwhelming when you're just getting started. VolunteerMatch alone is home to 100s of 1000s of different ways to get involved!

Topics: inspiration
2 min read

9 Quotes To Inspire Your Volunteers (And Yourself!)

By Guest Contributor on May 26, 2022

Guest post by Lesley J. Vos

Even the most devoted volunteers experience a lack of inspiration and motivation from time to time.

As a volunteer leader, it’s you who can change this. You can encourage your volunteers, engage and motivate them to grow, and become a source of inspiration!

Topics: inspiration