In a world where we are seemingly endlessly bombarded with painful news, it’s easy to imagine that the pandemics of our time would have all of us curled up in a ball on the couch. It’s not an unreasonable reaction to a steady onslaught of tough news. It’s also not true.
3 min read
Two Data Points Should Give You Hope
By Jude O'Reilley on September 6, 2022
Topics: virtual volunteering social justice Jude O'Reilley
3 min read
4 Reasons that Volunteering is Good for You: Thoughts on Service from VolunteerMatch CEO
By Jude O'Reilley on April 20, 2022
In April 2020 in an act of sheer desperation, I googled “San Jose Volunteering COVID-19.” I had been living in isolation in my house a full thirty days—thirty days—likely the longest I’d been in one place since I was 3 years old. I felt cut-off from my work team, which was scattering to the wind as COVID-19 raged in their hometowns around the world.