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2 min read

5 easy ways to volunteer – virtually

By Darcy Hughes on November 23, 2020

With all the hustle and bustle of our modern lives, it can be easy to let our good intentions to volunteer fall by the wayside. Volunteering doesn’t have to feel like an extra task on your never-ending to-do list. From small tasks to larger projects, finding ways to get involved is easier than you might think. #GiveTime this #GivingTuesday to help share joy in communities across the country.

Topics: virtual volunteering
4 min read

10 ways to volunteer as a family

By Darcy Hughes on November 23, 2020

We’re joining forces with U.S. Bank to inspire good people to #GiveTime in honor of #GivingTuesday, and you’re invited!

After Black Friday and Cyber Monday, your wallet may be feeling a little thin by the time GivingTuesday rolls around, so we want to help you find ways to #GiveTime and help make #CommunityPossible.

This year, we’re focusing on what’s near and dear to so many of us during the holidays — community.

Topics: inspiration
3 min read

Ready to Shine Your Light This Holiday Season?

By Laura Plato on November 19, 2020

Music moves the human heart like no other force I know.

Just a few notes of a song have the power to lift us up when we’re feeling down, make us feel closer when we’re apart, and inspire us to boldly try new things we’ve been afraid to even dare to dream about.

Topics: inspiration
2 min read

The Antidote Is the Change That We Want to Be In This World: Join VolunteerMatch’s Upcoming Special Screenings

By VolunteerMatch on October 20, 2020


Oakland, CA – October 19, 2020 So many of us have been asking this year what will it take to make things sustainably better in this country? The Academy Award-nominated and multi-Emmy Award-winning team of Kahane Cooperman and John Hoffman, respectively, believe they have the answer in their upcoming film, The Antidote. VolunteerMatch is excited and honored to partner with them to help this documentary drive a national conversation about the roles that kindness, decency, compassion, and respect play in a civilized, democratic society.

Topics: covid19 press release
1 min read

Successfully Recruit, Engage, and Retain Volunteers During a Pandemic

By VolunteerMatch on October 14, 2020


Oakland, CA – October 13, 2020 COVID-19’s impact on volunteering challenges nonprofits, individuals, and companies to find ways to continue to serve communities in need. VolunteerMatch has spent the last seven months researching across sectors what these challenges are, creating ways to overcome them, and designing a webinar premiering on October 29, 2020 to help us all pivot so that service continues as seamlessly as possible.

Topics: covid19 press release virtual volunteering
4 min read

Vote Kindness: 7 Ways to Get Involved in the Election Now

By Darcy Hughes on September 30, 2020

With the November 3 election about a month away, you may be looking for ways to get involved in the process. Here are 7 things you can do now to support everyone's voice and shape the future of your communities.

Topics: virtual volunteering government advocacy equality
2 min read

Celebrate with VolunteerMatch and VolunteerPro at the Launch Party for Season 2 of Their Time + Talent Podcast: Pivoting Volunteer Management During a Pandemic

By VolunteerMatch on September 29, 2020

Oakland, CA – September 28, 2020 Volunteers are the heartbeat of serving people and spaces in need. The pandemic is not only requiring nonprofits to pivot from traditional ways of gathering, assigning, and recognizing volunteers, it is revealing to them beneficially alternative approaches to service that many will keep once COVID-19 is no longer a crisis. 

Topics: press release
2 min read

VolunteerMatch Celebrates National Voter Registration Day with Launch of New Election-Related Volunteering Website

By Ben Chutz on September 23, 2020

OAKLAND, Calif., September 23, 2020 — VolunteerMatch, the world’s largest volunteer engagement network, has launched a new website designed to make election-related volunteering more accessible. Nonprofits including Turnout Nation, Open Progress, and Civic Works are featured, each of which offer volunteer actions that can be performed virtually via computer, phone, and mail.

Topics: covid19 press release virtual volunteering inspiration
1 min read

How to Give Back on 9/11

By Darcy Hughes on September 10, 2020

As we pause and remember those we lost 19 years ago on 9/11, we are partnering with 911day.org to invite you to honor their lives by coming together to do over 1 million self-directed acts of service and good deeds throughout the month of September as part of 9/11 Day At Home. Here’s how you can participate.

7 min read

13 Good Deeds To Do in September in Remembrance of 9/11

By Erin Halley on September 8, 2020

For the entire month of September, in honor of the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance, we’re joining together with 911day.org to encourage all our colleagues and neighbors to make a difference.

Topics: inspiration