Volunteering doesn’t exist in a bubble — it’s reflective of the people and the societies they live in. Therefore, when major shifts take place, be they economic, cultural or political, it’s reasonable to presume that some aspects of volunteer behavior will be influenced. For example, increases or decreases in the numbers of active volunteers, volunteer hours, or types of volunteering being done.

Guest Contributor
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Report is Live! How Politics Influence Volunteer Behavior
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5 Strategies For Effectively Communicating With Volunteers
By Guest Contributor on September 5, 2018
Guest post by Shaunak Wanikar.
Volunteers are the heart of your organization. Are you spending as much time communicating with them as you should be?
Unfortunately, many organizations fail to communicate effectively with their volunteers for a variety of reasons. For example, they may not provide enough time and space for one-on-one interactions or they don’t have any proper mechanisms in place to receive feedback. Poor communication leaves your organization at risk for increased misunderstandings, unhappy volunteers, and volunteer attrition. It might even deter some volunteers from getting involved at all!
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How Skills-based Volunteering Can Advance Your Design Career
By Guest Contributor on June 2, 2018
“The reward for pro-bono work is not always just in heaven.” — Paul Rand
Why skills-based volunteering?
Design is a resource that makes products more engaging to interact with and easier to use. In 2018, when most companies must consider their digital presence, the demand for design is only growing. While technology companies may have the resources to hire a team dedicated to design and user experience, there’s still a large segment of organizations that don’t have ready access to design resources.
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By Guest Contributor on April 26, 2018
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Many organizations struggle to engage volunteers who reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the communities they serve. In response to this issue, the Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Administration (MAVA) recently embarked on a research study which resulted in a set of eight strategies for creating a more inclusive volunteer program within nonprofit and government organizations. These strategies serve as a starting point for volunteer engagement leaders seeking concrete next steps for better engaging volunteers from diverse and immigrant communities.
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As a Former Mentee, Here’s How I Pass it On
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Editor’s Note: January is National Mentoring Month! To celebrate, we’ve partnered with Cricket Media to share stories about the positive impact mentoring — especially eMentoring — can have on young people’s lives.
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Driving Social Sustainability through Volunteerism
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Guest post by Jerome Tennille
Conducting operations while not depleting the resources these operations depend on is the pinnacle of any company pursuing sustainability. With countless factors to consider when tackling environmental or economically sustainable initiatives, many companies struggle to find a starting point. Some even quit before they begin.
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How To Conduct Effective Volunteer Meetings
By Guest Contributor on September 15, 2017
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“Volunteers are the only human beings on the face of the earth who reflect this nation’s compassion, unselfish caring, patience, and just plain loving one another.”—Erma Bombeck
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Career Development Planning For Volunteers
By Guest Contributor on July 8, 2017
Guest Blogger: Kayla Mathews
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