It’s trickier than you think to describe impact – and that’s good.
Every time I offer a volunteer impact measures training, I’m struck by some new takeaway that helps me better explain how to master this complex-but-valuable process.
By Guest Contributor on March 12, 2019
It’s trickier than you think to describe impact – and that’s good.
Every time I offer a volunteer impact measures training, I’m struck by some new takeaway that helps me better explain how to master this complex-but-valuable process.
By Guest Contributor on March 4, 2019
Regardless of the size of your volunteer engagement program, you need to be in touch regularly with your volunteers to ensure your organization's goals are being met. While most volunteer managers use emails, phone calls and social media to stay in touch with their volunteers, texting may actually be the most effective communication tool. In fact, text message open rates are significantly higher than email open rates.
By Guest Contributor on January 31, 2019
Want to increase volunteer retention? Here’s how to do it and enjoy the process.
It’s start the New Year by taking a show of hands. How many of you subscribe to this belief?:
By Guest Contributor on January 23, 2019
While traditional methods of volunteer recruitment and fundraising remain effective, technology has allowed nonprofits to innovate new ways to attract supporters to their cause. Organizations have expanded on their previous efforts by adopting new strategies, and social media is no exception.
By Guest Contributor on December 13, 2018
With nearly 3 billion social media users across the globe, social good organizations are increasingly adopting a more digitized approach towards social activism and engaging their volunteers.
By Guest Contributor on December 12, 2018
Click here to read Part One of this two-part series.
A lot of well-intentioned people advise volunteer managers to treat “hiring” volunteers in the same manner staff is hired. It’s not that simple, and Part One of this two-part series explored why. In case you missed it, here’s that list again:
By Guest Contributor on December 4, 2018
Volunteering involves a commitment of one’s time, energy and/or resources to benefit others with no expectation of reward or compensation. Millions of Americans volunteer in many different ways, dedicating anywhere from a few hours per month to several hours per week to assisting others. There are a variety of motives for volunteering and plenty of rewards to be gained when helping others.
By Guest Contributor on November 28, 2018
Guest post by Warren Fowler.
Volunteering is often thought of as a selfless act — one where you give up your time for a worthy cause without being paid. While this may be true, what is often less obvious are the many benefits people experience when they volunteer.
By Guest Contributor on November 13, 2018
I don’t remember the date, but I remember the conversation. It was the first time I’d heard the word “competition” in relation to volunteer organizations. I was in a community meeting, and nonprofit experts were discussing the impact of a newly formed nonprofit in the area.
By Guest Contributor on November 8, 2018
The end of the year can be a rough time for many people. Days are shorter and darker; nights are longer. In colder weather, people are less inclined to go out and some struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Spending the holidays alone can feel isolating, and traveling to see loved ones can be stressful. Some see the end of the year as a time for self-reflection, leading to feelings of regret, inadequacy or inferiority.