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Guest Contributer

Guest Contributer

This article was written by a VolunteerMatch Guest Contributor.

Recent posts by Guest Contributer

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Virtual Volunteering: Engaging Volunteers in Online Events

By Guest Contributer on March 1, 2024

Online events are on the rise. Between their flexibility, convenience, and endless possibilities, online fundraisers are a great way to rally your community together—no matter where they are—and raise funds to advance your cause. However, you can’t pull off a successful online event without the help of a dedicated volunteer base!

Topics: nonprofit resources
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7 Ways to Show Volunteer Appreciation Using Your Website

By Guest Contributer on February 19, 2024

Taking the time to recognize volunteers is essential to increasing retention and recruiting new supporters. As your nonprofit’s online hub, your website can be an effective marketing tool for showing volunteer appreciation and engaging with volunteers year-round.

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Crafting an Effective Online Presence with Google Ad Grants

By Guest Contributer on January 30, 2024

Volunteers are an essential part of your nonprofit, putting in the work needed to run your programs, launch fundraisers, and keep your organization up and running. But how can nonprofits connect with volunteers in the digital age?

Topics: nonprofit resources
2 min read

10 Conversation Starters That Spark Volunteer Stories

By Guest Contributer on January 30, 2024

Guest Contributor: Carly Euler, Marketing Manager at MemoryFox

Nonprofits that are looking to tell impactful volunteer stories must channel their inner interviewer by asking the best questions that will elicit the best stories which will ultimately lead to the best content. But not every volunteer is a natural-born storyteller. Therefore, asking the right questions can make a real difference in getting that memorable, shareable content you need.

Topics: nonprofit resources
2 min read

3 Storytelling Strategies to Boost Volunteer Recruitment

By Guest Contributer on January 30, 2024

Guest Contributor: Carly Euler, Marketing Manager at MemoryFox

Your volunteers are the heartbeat of your organization - each with their own unique experiences and perspectives about why your mission resonates with them. And whether you’re a nonprofit who is just starting out, or you have a regimented volunteer program in place, it’s always helpful to keep your doors open to new faces willing to provide their time and talents.

Topics: nonprofit resources
2 min read

4 Types of Volunteer Stories that Inspire, Recruit & Retain

By Guest Contributer on January 25, 2024

Guest Contributor: Carly Euler, Marketing Manager at MemoryFox

Oftentimes, we think of nonprofit storytelling as capturing the experiences of those benefiting from the nonprofit’s programs, and using those testimonials to raise funds. While it's indisputable that these stories serve as a compelling means to humanize your nonprofit’s mission, they may not fully encapsulate the remarkable impact your organization is making.

Topics: nonprofit resources
2 min read

Telling Great Volunteer Stories

By Guest Contributer on January 25, 2024

Guest Contributor: Carly Euler, Marketing Manager at MemoryFox

Have you ever wondered who maintains the memorials on the national mall? 

Volunteers, led by the National Parks Service, are a huge part of keeping those larger-than-life symbols of our nation’s history suitable for over 25 million annual visitors.

Topics: Stories from the Field
4 min read

Why Virtual Volunteering is the Future & A Few Opportunities to Get You Started

By Guest Contributer on December 29, 2023

Guest Contributor: Joanna Tanger

For many people, working remotely has become a way of life. The pandemic changed how we work, with 57% of those currently working remotely stating that they had rarely or never worked from home prior to 2020. While the increase in working remotely originated from safety concerns during the pandemic, today’s workers cite a preference for remote work as their driving influence rather than health concerns.

6 min read

How Employee Volunteering Is About More Than Team-Building

By Guest Contributer on November 24, 2023

Team-building is a great reason to organize volunteer events at your business. Employees who volunteer together have the opportunity to form closer bonds. And, at larger companies, a corporate volunteer event might be an employee’s first interaction with a co-worker from a different team or department.

5 min read

Volunteer Screening: Advantages of Waivers in the Process

By Guest Contributer on November 20, 2023

As a nonprofit organization, you’re well aware of the important role volunteers play in furthering your mission. They fill in the gaps where your staff can’t, helping you achieve more than your organization can on its own. Additionally, volunteers lift some of the weight of completing monumental tasks off your shoulders, helping you avoid burnout and reach more of those in need.