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4 min read

Creative Ways to Plan an Office Food Drive

By Guest Contributor on December 9, 2012


(VolunteerMatch fighting hunger in style)

Food banks are looking for as many sources of canned goods as they can get in this season of high demand.

As a company, you can help these food banks in their effort to eliminate hunger from our communities. In-office food drives are small campaigns that allow your company to work together as one towards a greater cause.

Whether you are an administrator or an employee, you can fight hunger from your work space. Here are some tips for how you can create a successful food drive for your company.

Topics: inspiration
7 min read

5 Ways To Inspire Teenagers To Take A Step Towards Community Service

By Shari Tishman on September 19, 2012

Guest post by Aileen Pablo

Most parents can’t even get them to tidy up their rooms, so what are your chances of motivating teenagers to leave their computers and work on an “impossible” mission, right?

If that’s how you view today’s youth, I suggest you quit leading them. Your perception of who you are dealing with will shape your behaviour, and treating teenagers of today like they are children is a great recipe for inaction.

Topics: inspiration
6 min read

The Difference Between “Civically Engaged” And “Volunteer”

By Shari Tishman on October 17, 2011

Last month the Corporation for National and Community Service and the National Conference on Citizenship released a joint annual report revealing that “a majority” of Americans are civically active in their communities.

Topics: volunteer engagement
1 min read

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By VolunteerMatch on January 1, 2000

It looks like you've arrived here after tapping a link that may not be working anymore. The link may have been changed, or the content may have been outdated and, as a result, removed. Either way, we're guessing you wanted to see the post you were expecting to see.