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8 min read

Volunteering and Psychological Health

By Guest Contributor on December 4, 2018

Volunteering involves a commitment of one’s time, energy and/or resources to benefit others with no expectation of reward or compensation. Millions of Americans volunteer in many different ways, dedicating anywhere from a few hours per month to several hours per week to assisting others. There are a variety of motives for volunteering and plenty of rewards to be gained when helping others.

Topics: advocacy
3 min read

4 Reasons Every Teen Should Volunteer

By Guest Contributor on November 28, 2018

Guest post by Warren Fowler. 

Volunteering is often thought of as a selfless act — one where you give up your time for a worthy cause without being paid. While this may be true, what is often less obvious are the many benefits people experience when they volunteer.

Topics: inspiration
4 min read

Resting on Nonprofit Laurels

By Guest Contributor on November 13, 2018

I don’t remember the date, but I remember the conversation. It was the first time I’d heard the word “competition” in relation to volunteer organizations. I was in a community meeting, and nonprofit experts were discussing the impact of a newly formed nonprofit in the area.

Topics: nonprofit resources
4 min read

Why Volunteering Is So Important at the End of the Year

By Guest Contributor on November 8, 2018

The end of the year can be a rough time for many people. Days are shorter and darker; nights are longer. In colder weather, people are less inclined to go out and some struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder. Spending the holidays alone can feel isolating, and traveling to see loved ones can be stressful. Some see the end of the year as a time for self-reflection, leading to feelings of regret, inadequacy or inferiority.

Topics: inspiration
10 min read

The Best Days And Times To Recruit Volunteers

By Elysia Gabe on September 26, 2018

You worked really hard to craft the perfect volunteer appeal, but what’s next? When’s the best day or time to publish your opportunity on VolunteerMatch to ensure it gains the most traction? After all, you want to make sure you’re casting your line while volunteers are searching!

Topics: nonprofit resources
2 min read

Report is Live! How Politics Influence Volunteer Behavior

By Guest Contributor on September 19, 2018

Volunteering doesn’t exist in a bubble — it’s reflective of the people and the societies they live in.  Therefore, when major shifts take place, be they economic, cultural or political, it’s reasonable to presume that some aspects of volunteer behavior will be influenced. For example, increases or decreases in the numbers of active volunteers, volunteer hours, or types of volunteering being done.

Topics: nonprofit resources
5 min read

5 Strategies For Effectively Communicating With Volunteers

By Guest Contributor on September 5, 2018

Guest post by Shaunak Wanikar.

Volunteers are the heart of your organization. Are you spending as much time communicating with them as you should be?

Unfortunately, many organizations fail to communicate effectively with their volunteers for a variety of reasons. For example, they may not provide enough time and space for one-on-one interactions or they don’t have any proper mechanisms in place to receive feedback. Poor communication leaves your organization at risk for increased misunderstandings, unhappy volunteers, and volunteer attrition. It might even deter some volunteers from getting involved at all!

7 min read

How Skills-based Volunteering Can Advance Your Design Career

By Guest Contributor on June 2, 2018

“The reward for pro-bono work is not always just in heaven.” — Paul Rand

Why skills-based volunteering?

Design is a resource that makes products more engaging to interact with and easier to use. In 2018, when most companies must consider their digital presence, the demand for design is only growing. While technology companies may have the resources to hire a team dedicated to design and user experience, there’s still a large segment of organizations that don’t have ready access to design resources.

Topics: skills-based volunteering csr
8 min read

8 Strategies For Creating A More Inclusive Volunteer Program

By Guest Contributor on April 26, 2018

Guest post by Lisa Joyslin

Many organizations struggle to engage volunteers who reflect the racial and ethnic diversity of the communities they serve. In response to this issue, the Minnesota Alliance for Volunteer Administration (MAVA) recently embarked on a research study which resulted in a set of eight strategies for creating a more inclusive volunteer program within nonprofit and government organizations. These strategies serve as a starting point for volunteer engagement leaders seeking concrete next steps for better engaging volunteers from diverse and immigrant communities.

Topics: nonprofit resources
4 min read

Writing The Perfect, Targeted Volunteer Opportunity

By Basil Sadiq on March 20, 2018

By Apakshit Sachdeva and Basil Sadiq

Today, nearly 120,000 organizations are looking for volunteers on VolunteerMatch. With more than seven million volunteers registered, the good news there’s plenty of talent to go around.

Before you post a volunteer opportunity, however, it’s important to identify your department or program’s needs. Once you do, it’s time to write your volunteer opportunity, or appeal. Think of this as your organization’s cover letter.

Topics: nonprofit resources volunteer engagement