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2 min read

Jennifer's Report Round Up

June 24, 2024

2024 NPO_NEWS 2

Right now there are some really cool things happening with research in the volunteer engagement space. With new research coming out I wanted to give you a run down and share some things I’m excited about.

AL!VE’s Professional Career Pathway Survey: AL!VE conducted a survey last summer with the goal of outlining the work we do and advocating for the Department of Labor to recognize the work we do with a job code. To build a case for this they’ve done a ton of work outlining the titles we use, the responsibilities aligned to different titles, and they’ve compiled salary data. You can find all of the great work they’ve done on their site, including a comprehensive Career Pathway matrix, and a Career Mapping worksheet. If you’ve ever wondered how your role, responsibilities, and salary compare to others doing this work you’ll want to check this out.

Volunteer Management Progress Report: This Summer also saw Tobi Johnson from VolunteerPro release her annual Volunteer Management Progress Report.  This is her 9th report, and she shares this year’s data as compared to other years. In all 9 years the top challenge identified has been Recruitment! While that doesn’t seem to change Tobi provides interesting insight into how the work of leading and managing volunteers has shifted over the last several years as we rebuild from the impact of COVID.

Assessing Diversity and Equity in Volunteer Inclusion: And last, but not least, I’m looking forward to seeing the resources and toolkit to come out of the ADEVI project from ASU and CCVA. An amazing team of volunteers is researching and compiling existing resources to create best practices in promoting equity in volunteerism and volunteer administration. And stay tuned for an announcement from us here at VolunteerMatch about this exciting work!

Jennifer Bennett

Written by Jennifer Bennett

Jennifer Bennett, CVA is the Director of Education & Training at VolunteerMatch. Jennifer joined VolunteerMatch to formalize and manage the organization’s volunteer engagement program. With her breadth of experience, she is well qualified to help VolunteerMatch’s community of nonprofits better recruit and engage volunteers.