Turn Your Website into a Volunteer Action Hub.
At VolunteerMatch, we are continuing to look at ways to serve communities and nonprofits during this challenging time. Our approach has been to listen to all our stakeholders — volunteers, nonprofit and business leaders, government representatives, and anyone who plays a role in supporting the impact ecosystem.
Unprecedented Number of Volunteer Cancellations
We’re seeing an unprecedented number of volunteer cancellations. From research we performed during the month of March, we learned that 93% of nonprofit organizations are seeing heavy volunteer cancellations, with some losing 100% of their volunteer force. We believe that it is our duty to serve nonprofits and their communities, especially as we observe this gap continuing to grow.
A Growing Need to Serve the Most Vulnerable
We know that building awareness of virtual and safer local volunteering opportunities in service to our most vulnerable populations during this time of great need is critical. Through our Help with Covid-19 Portal, there are over 180,000 virtual and local volunteers currently needed across the United States to aid communities impacted by the coronavirus outbreak, and each day we see this number increase. The question we asked ourselves: How can we make it even easier for people to get involved?
What Can You Do?
This led us to develop VolunteerMatch Connect, a free product that enables you to turn your website into a volunteer action hub with a simple copy and paste code snippet. This self-contained module easily integrates into your website in a standard ad-sized space.
As a solopreneur, blogger, or large organization, you can now easily take full advantage of VolunteerMatch’s capabilities to engage your community in service. Now, more than ever, we need your help to amplify the message that volunteers are wanted and needed to serve our most vulnerable populations.
With this free digital product, you have the power to play a leadership role in filling the growing gap of volunteers needed by supporting the effective recruitment and coordination of volunteers at a local, state, and federal level.
Inspire Your Community to Take Action
When you add VolunteerMatch Connect to your site, you have direct access to search and connect to opportunities through the Help with Covid-19 Portal, allowing nonprofits the ability to respond quickly to the frequently-changing needs of their communities. How this works is nonprofits are able to post opportunities related to the coronavirus pandemic and the site forms a point of connection for organizations and individuals.
Inspire your community to take action, make it easy for anyone to find ways to help, and contribute to relief efforts nationwide with VolunteerMatch Connect. Easily integrate the self-contained widget into your website with two ad-sized spaces: large rectangle, 336px by 280px and half page, 300px by 600px. You can grab the code here.