VolunteerMatch Blog

13 Good Deeds To Do in September in Remembrance of 9/11

Written by Erin Halley | September 8, 2020

For the entire month of September, in honor of the September 11th National Day of Service and Remembrance, we’re joining together with 911day.org to encourage all our colleagues and neighbors to make a difference.

From volunteering, supporting charities through donations of goods or cash, and simply by being kind to others, September is a time to pause and remember those who lost their lives in the 2001 tragedy, and to honor their memories by coming together to do good as a nation. Join forces with others around the country in achieving the goal of over 1 million acts of kindness as part of 9/11 Day at Home. Here are some ideas to get you started:

  1. Pledge to #BeKind21

    Make kindness a habit by committing an act of kindness each day from September 1st through September 21st. Invite your friends, coworkers, classmates, or neighbors to join you.

  2. Support Social Justice Causes

    The widening inequality gap arising out of the coronavirus pandemic, the recent killings of Black Americans including Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, George Floyd and, most recently, the shooting of Jacob Blake remind us of the absolute necessity of continuing the work to create a society that supports and values each of its members equally. Drive change in your communities by supporting social justice and civil rights causes in your area.

  3. Support Veterans and Their Families

    Show gratitude and appreciation to our nationʼs veterans for their service by making cards. Or find other ways to help out deployed service members, their families, and veterans in need.

  4. Support Wildfire Prevention and Recovery Efforts

    With drier lands at the end of summer, the risk of wildfires increases across the Western U.S., as we’ve seen recently with the fires in California. The National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC) reported as of Sept. 7, 60 “large uncontained fires and four contained fires across 14 states, where “the year-to-date total is 40,883 fires that have burned 4,645,048 acres.” Here are some ways you can be of service in-person or virtually.

  5. Help Voters Register

    Help to reach voters under 30 years of age and in communities of color to vote in our next election, so their voice can be heard.

  6. Sign up to Be an Election Poll Volunteer

    The 2020 Election is right around the corner. Sign up to be an election poll worker.

  7. Help with COVID-19

    Through the Help with Covid-19 Portal, select from a variety of virtual and local volunteers needed across the United States to aid communities impacted by the coronavirus.

  8. Lend an Ear to Someone in Need

    Given additional pressures, isolation, and the emotional toll that stems from the pandemic, protests, and natural disasters, many people are having an even more difficult time than usual. To help promote mental well-being, you can support others via text or help to prevent suicide.

  9. Do a Good Deed as a Family

    You may be one of many parents seeking fresh ways to engage your kids at home. Doing a good deed for your community is a great way for children to experience how rewarding and fun it is to be of service to others. Encourage your child to become a virtual friend or a pen pal to a senior. Foster a dog, cat or other pet in need as a family. Your high schooler can even tutor under-served youth across the globe virtually. If you are looking for other ways to engage your kids in community service, here are some cool ideas to get you started.

  10. Become a Disaster Relief Volunteer

    Hurricane Laura has left 600,000 Louisiana residents without clean water, and the city of Lake Charles is still under mandatory evacuation. These are just two areas that highlight the need for the more than 5 million volunteers who assist with disaster relief each year in the U.S. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, fewer than half of that number is expected to volunteer in 2020. Here are ways you can be of service.

  11. Challenge Your Co-workers to Do Something Good

    Get your colleagues to join you in spreading kindness. You could even make it a friendly competition among yourselves or teams within the organization, and encourage your organization to include donations as part of your program. Help write a business plan, do a virtual sewing party to make masks or something cozy, and come together to fundraise for easy common access to low-income housing.

  12. Contribute to 1 Million Good Deeds Specifically to Honor 9/11

    From supporting frontline workers and first responders to hunger relief and helping out with the voting process, there are a variety of ways to give back in the month of September. Check out over 50 curated ways you can do good.

  13. Share Your Good Deeds!

    Bring some light into our communities when we need it most by sharing your good deeds on social media using #911day. You’ll inspire friends to be a part of over 1 million acts of kindness during September. See even more ways to be of service by searching for 9/11 opportunities or exploring other virtual opportunities.



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